“Let’s Give Thanks”

“Let’s Give Thanks”

A Helping Hand A fellow colleague, professional mentor and good friend, Peter West, retired from the Energy Trust of Oregon in recent days. I would be remiss to not share some words here, as he was instrumental in affording me an opportunity in our industry. A decade...
“Do you have a clear pricing strategy?”

“Do you have a clear pricing strategy?”

Many of us do not, and it is a problem. My clients are Founders and CEOs building companies focused on cleantech, renewable energy and artificial intelligence & healthcare. Most of them are engineers by trade. They are highly proficient at building products,...
“Streets Paved With Gold”

“Streets Paved With Gold”

The Times They Are A-Changin’ Dylan is on LinkedIn, right? Probably not, but that’s not the point. You may remember the old LinkedIn. Hell, you might have even been on it. You set up your profile, made it look like a professional resume and you were good. You...
“Empowerment and Opportunity”

“Empowerment and Opportunity”

“I don’t want to see stores looted or even buildings burn. But African Americans have been living in a burning building for many years, choking on the smoke as the flames burn closer and closer.”– Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Author’s Note: This article was inspired by an...