“That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” Commander Neal Armstrong spoke these words on July 20, 1969 as the Apollo 11 Mission reached their final destination, the moon.

Being strategic and thoughtful – approaching each day with purpose and intent – is my goal for 2020.

How did we get here? I relocated to San Diego late last summer after spending a decade plus in Portland, OR. The move was made for personal reasons and for business – an opportunity to work in a bigger market, where cleantech and renewable energy are the focal point of the local economy.

Achieving a goal starts with establishing a clear vision – Cross Consulting Services is now wholly focused on helping cleantech and renewable energy CEOs fix problems in their business models so they may scale.

The clarity of direction acted as a catalyst for a full rebrand of the business this past fall. The Apollo 11 Mission provided ample inspiration in this regard. The “moon shot” is often on the mind of Founders and CEOs, we are willing to take calculated risks, have big aspirations and requirer the fuel to get there.

I’m responsible for tackling big problems with my clients. I enjoy working with the best and brightest. Our shared goal is to ensure they fully realize the vision of their business.

How do I do this? It is a simple, 3 step process and it works:

  1. Analyze – core components of the business model need to be in alignment
  2. Identify – define challenges and opportunities across business operations
  3. Execute – deliver solutions to better inform bottom line results

Are you a Founder, CEO or entrepreneur ready to take the next, big step?

I’d like to hear more about your personal journey.

Tell Me About Your Business

I’m an independent consultant who can deliver solutions to solve your biggest problems and move your company forward.

Gain A Competitive Edge

Sign up for my newsletter and we will complete the discovery exercise together. This list of 7 questions will help us understand where your business stands today.

Tell Me About Your Business

I’m an independent consultant who can deliver solutions to solve your biggest problems and move your company forward.

Gain A Competitive Edge

Sign up for my newsletter and we will complete the discovery exercise together. This list of 7 questions will help us understand where your business stands today.