The Times They Are A-Changin’

Dylan is on LinkedIn, right? Probably not, but that’s not the point.

You may remember the old LinkedIn. Hell, you might have even been on it. You set up your profile, made it look like a professional resume and you were good. You set it, and forget it.

Every once and awhile you might return to the site and update your connections. Most likely, you did this before or after a job transition. Fact is, many of you still use LI like this today.

B2B Lead Generation Playground

Today, LinkedIn provides significant value to its users that are active and engaged on the platform. But what does that look like? Let’s note the steps below:

  • Craft your profile with care. This includes a professional photo. A strong cover photo with personality or a graphic that ties directly to your business. A well thought out, compelling headline. A thorough summary of your professional value proposition in the About section and work samples in the Featured area.
  • Build your audience. Spend real time and energy reaching out to fellow professionals in your industry. People that are working on interesting projects for progressive companies. Thoughtful people on the platform that are getting things done.
  • Post native content. The LinkedIn algorithm rewards content producers that stay on the site. Choose your preferred medium – video is becoming more common but the pen (writing) style works. Commit to posting 2–3 times a week for 90 days. Build muscle memory, and it will become part of your daily routine.
  • Engage your people. Pretend that you are in a cafe, and there are a myriad of interesting people to talk to and do it. Get active in some select LinkedIn Groups. Search out discussions on meaningful discussions in your industry and leave a comment. Don’t be a stranger to direct messages – you’ll never know what may come with them.

Everybody Needs A Helping Hand

Want to take a step forward, but don’t know where to start? Some of my fellow colleagues may help you here:

  • Jenny Foss, Founder of – Jenny is a job search strategist, a LinkedIn Learning author and a resume writer. She offers a LinkedIn Kit on her website that is dialed.
  • Austin Church, Founder and CEO of Balernum – Austin is a man that builds brand through the power of copy with attitude. He has a slew of writing exercises that have been compiled into a Freelance Cake course.
  • Alex Boyd, Founder and CEO of RevenueZen – Alex’s company is all about that growth. RevenueZen delivers leads, meetings, pipeline, and revenue, and LinkedIn is his preferred tool of choice. I’m aware that he is working on a special project these days that a few of you will be introduced to in the coming weeks.
  • Richard Miller, Principal of Calyx Design – Richard and I have been working together for many years. You may have seen our work with Barista, Teote or a variety of solar companies in the industry. He can help you make some detailed infographics and tools to share with your posts.
  • Ahmad Munawar, Founder of Boutique Growth – Ahmad is the impresario behind the 90 Day Pipeline. This program has been a game changer to help you define your position, build and grow your audience and generate a full pipeline on LinkedIn in 90 days.

It takes a village to make it all work. Reach out to these people – on LinkedIn of course.

Are you a Founder, CEO or entrepreneur ready to take the next, big step?

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Tell Me About Your Business

I’m an independent consultant who can deliver solutions to solve your biggest problems and move your company forward.

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Tell Me About Your Business

I’m an independent consultant who can deliver solutions to solve your biggest problems and move your company forward.

Gain A Competitive Edge

Sign up for my newsletter and we will complete the discovery exercise together. This list of 7 questions will help us understand where your business stands today.